Sunny Delivery

85,000 solar modules across 41 hectares (101 acres), an area more or less the size of 41 football fields, delivering up to 22 megawatts – are the key figures of the photovoltaic farm built by Austrian LSG Building Solutions GmbH in Braghin, South Belarus last year. HELUKABEL Austria supplied more than 700 kilometres (435 miles) of cable for the farm. These included solar cable to join the panels, medium-voltage cable to feed the electricity into the grid and fibre optical cable to transmit performance data to the operator‘s control room. „Strict import regulations apply in Belarus which is why we looked for a supplier able to comply with them,“ explained Maximilian Bock, authorised signatory at LSG. To clear Belarusian customs, products such as cables need Eurasian Economic Union (EAC) certification. “Since HELUKABEL already had this approval and the quality of their cables met our requirements, we promptly struck a deal,“ says Bock.